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On a Sunday afternoon


 I know most of you celebrate Easter these days but not me, mine is a month later, haha, so strange. I decided to take a walk with my lovely mates since it was a very warm day (hooorayyy!) The city was quiet and pleasant and the coffee shops were lonely but so beautiful; I sincerely prefer it when it's quiet and there is good music to enjoy (and a wonderful gossip with the girls haha!) these are among the little things that make me warm inside.

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 This was the place..lovely no? (notice the Jack Sparrow portrait in the background of the first photo) 
And we ate a delicious croissant with a great espresso on the side..yum!

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 Have a wonderful week darlings! 

 Wearing: Thrifted H&M sweater, Zara TRF denim dress, random brand shoes, Oasap bag, no name necklace, handmade ring.


Paris instagram guide: Where to go? ...

                                                                                            CLICK TO SEE MORE

                                                                                           ph. via @vanjaam and @jelenakarakas

Before every travel, I suppose that lot of you are searching all the information on the internet, what to see and where to go in certain cities.
Regarding the Paris, I have only one answer and it's pretty much simple: Everywhere! Grab your gadgets and maps and start walking! Explore every single corner of this incredible city and enjoy!
Now I'm leaving you with these photos so you can feel a little bit of Parisian magic

p.s. all the photos are made with Samsung galaxy camera and Samsung galaxy note 2, filtered through the instagram and after that resized for the blog!

And everything is blue for her

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I captured a slightly warmer day than the previous ones and squeezed in these photos. At first, as most of the times, I did my makeup and I don't know what got me to try on the "raccoon makeup" in blue shade but I kind of like the result and from there I just threw on items on me to match up.
 It occurred to me that I rarely wear blue, even though it is my favorite color; well, at least one of them..strange. 

 Wearing: Zara old blazer, Dahlia dress, gifted tights, MiniPrix shoes, Giuka bag, handmade brooch, random brand headband

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