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Unknown Ketchup time Thursday, October 2, 2008 Let's catch up I'm obsessed with this orange zig-zag sweater I feel so Luella A lot of my clothing collections have been inspired by... 5

Ketchup time

Let's catch up

I'm obsessed with this
I feel

IMG_8448 by you.

A lot of my clothing collections
have been inspired by
the lyrics
written by
from The Hives
I chatted with him
backstage, and explained
his genius
when I complemented him
he said
OH Jesus!
We of course struck a pose

IMG_8395 by you.

Eley Kishimonto
is basicly
making me cry

first off ss2009
Trend revelation alert
(PS Every ss09 show has an old lady net hat... I called it didn't I?)

OK so I want ALL the socks

I came across


Everything is sold out
I wanted
but I might have to settle
for these

I then salivated
on this site

This is soon to be mine

I want these
but they are sold out
boo hooo

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