UnknownKetchup timehttps://artyfartyfashionparty.blogspot.com/2008/10/ketchup-time.htmlThursday, October 2, 2008Let's catch up I'm obsessed with this orange zig-zag sweater I feel so Luella A lot of my clothing collections have been inspired by...5
I'm obsessed with this orange zig-zag sweater I feel so Luella
A lot of my clothing collections have been inspired by the lyrics written by Pelle from The Hives I chatted with him backstage, and explained his genius when I complemented him he said "likewise" OH Jesus! We of course struck a pose
Eley Kishimonto is basicly making me cry
first off ss2009
Trend revelation alert (PS Every ss09 show has an old lady net hat... I called it didn't I?)
OK so I want ALL the socks I came across sox-populi
Nooooooooooo! Everything is sold out I wanted these but I might have to settle for these