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Balding white hair
Balding white hair
Thursday, June 4, 2009
My outfit of the day Since I already posted this dress here this outfit is really about the hard to find 1950's shoes look at the inside...
My outfit of the day Since I already posted this dress here
this outfit is really about
the hard to find 1950's shoes
look at the inside!!!!!!!!!
My husbands outfit of the day bow ties
are all a man needs
Fellow blogger rossovelvet told me about
a store called
Groucho In Toulouse
Lots of 1950 finds
and good prices
Look what I found! 1950's skirt 20 e
1950 swim suit 20 e
Yves Saint Laurent 50 e
Toulouse was having a party
that matched my finds above
(the skirt and shirt)
I guess it was in the stars French mothers are all about perfume
so I was forced (oh poor me!!)
To choose like every year
I chose the Viktor & Rolf flower bomb
Creepy find of the day oh no!!
If you find this man.....
call 17 for the police
We are look for Antoine
5 ft 3'- average body shape-61 years old
brown eyes-balding white hair
tennis shoes and sportswear