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Unknown Flowers grow in autumn too! Monday, October 4, 2010 If you want to have flowers in your garden in autumn, you will need: one floral maxi dress, one cardigan, one scarf,  boots and one bag. and... 5

Flowers grow in autumn too!

If you want to have flowers in your garden in autumn, you will need: one floral maxi dress, one cardigan, one scarf,  boots and one bag. and you will have success i promise! :) I've got this beautiful dress as a gift from my aunt, and i love to wear it even when its cold weather. It matches great with flat boots, and some cardigan or even better some short leather jacket. Put some jewelery on, and you are ready for one stylish day in downtown!

                                                                   bag: Zara, 
                                                                   boots: Zara, 
                                                                   cardigan: no name,
                                                                   dress: from Turkey, 
                                                                   scarf: pashmina shawl from Turkey
                                                                   photographer: Olja S.

Evo jednog predloga kako nositi duge lepršave haljine i kada je napolju hladnije. Preko nje obucite neki  džemper, kraći možete da zavežete kao ja, a one malo duže pokušajte da savijete  u struku i stavite neki kais. Obujte svoje omiljene ravne cizme i spremne ste za šetnju. Uz ovakve haljine se super slažu i kratke kožne jakne,  nakit  u srebrnoj boji, i kao obavezan detalj dodajte neku ešarpu! :)
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