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Unknown Belgrade street style! Thursday, November 4, 2010 We all know that it is one and only The Sartorialist , and why is so much popular! And the girls from here were so sad because we all wanted... 5

Belgrade street style!

We all know that it is one and only The Sartorialist , and why is so much popular! And the girls from here were so sad because we all wanted to do something similar but no one has so much time and nerves to start with it! But, im so proud to give you this announcement today, im presenting you the  Belgrade street style  site! Yaaaaaaay!!!Finally!!! We have well dressed people on the street , so this is will be the great place to show that! The girl who started this is Ludmila, and she is already doing a great job with her Creamy life blog! Im hoping that this will become one also popular and visited site! You can start following with Facebook and Twitter while are you waiting to see the first photos!!!
E pa devojke, evo jedne novosti, koju smo sve dugo čekale!!! Konačno, da neko ima volje, vremena i hrabrosti da pokrene ovako nešto i kod nas! Toliko smo sve želele da se ovo ostvari! Sad nam ostaje da podržimo našu dragu Ludmilu koja je pokrenula  Belgrade street style blog/site! Hvala joj na tome! Ko zna možda baš neka od vas naleti na nju dok traži dobro obučene ljude po gradu, nemojte da se stidite, slikajte se, hoćemo da pokažemo svima kako i mi to umemo! :) Pravac na ulice!!! :) Hehhe
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