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Unknown Wildfell Hall Vintage Giveaway ***Entries closed*** Monday, January 3, 2011 ***ENTRIES CLOSED*** I am happy to present to you, the first Giveaway of the year! Wildfell Hall Vintage is offerning a $35 gift certifica... 5

Wildfell Hall Vintage Giveaway ***Entries closed***


I am happy to present to you, the first Giveaway of the year!
Wildfell Hall Vintage is offerning a $35 gift certificate

Everything from her shop looks like candy!  I want everything!!

She also has an amazing blog, that adequately shows off her vintage finding adventures and more!
Visit it here!

My current  favs from her shop

Vintage 30s EBONY and IVORY Silk Velvet Dress
Vintage 60s SPLIT PEA Wool Coat
Vintage 60s Plunging LACE Wiggle Dress
Vintage 60s PUMPKIN SPICE Set
Vintage 50s POLKA DOT Gown
Vintage 70's FLYING BUTTERFLIES Wrap Skirt
Vintage 40s ROSE RUFFLES Dress
Vintage 40s Large Taupe PEARL LEAF Dress
Vintage White Oxford Heels
Vintage 60s NEUTRAL AUTUMN Wiggle Dress

Open to international followers
Free shipping
Entries end on Mon. Jan. 10th
Winner Announced On Wed. Jan 12th

1) Must be or become a follower of my blog and facebook tell me how you are following
2) Must be or become a follower of Wildfell Hall's blog, leave a comment for her :)
3) Announce the giveaway on facebook, twitter, blog, tublr, email...anywhere you can
4) How did you find my blog, and what keeps/will keep you coming back 
5) First moment you fell in LOVE with vintage


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