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Unknown WILL YOU WEAR THE NEW UGLY SHOES? Tuesday, October 4, 2011 Posted by Fashion Junior at Large Stella McCartney SS12 I would hazard a guess, correct me if I'm wrong, that you have at least one pair... 5


Posted by Fashion Junior at Large

Stella McCartney SS12
I would hazard a guess, correct me if I'm wrong, that you have at least one pair of shoes which you can barely walk in, they rub the skin from your feet and blister with such ferocity that they can easily be filed under the category of 'torture instruments'. But you wear them anyway. Heels have never been the most practical item but in recent years they have reached fetishistic levels thanks to the likes of Christian Louboutin, Alexander McQueen et al.
Christopher Kane SS12
Well ladies, the tide has turned in what seems to be the most extreme way we could have anticipated. There are still enough super high platforms gracing the catwalks this round of fashion weeks but a few highly influential designers including Christopher Kane and Stella McCartney have begun the backlash by showing shoes which look plain ugly to my eye, usually accustomed to some femininity and leg-flattering in a shoe. I am not saying that these shoes ARE ugly because our perceptions are really quite fickle and can quickly change once we become used to a new shape or style. But this one's a tall order, will I really wear a shoe next Summer which resembles the 20 year-old flip flops my Dad has had since the first summer holiday I can remember?
J.W Anderson SS12
Furthermore, these shoes are about much more than just offering a comfortable alternative. My current shoes of choice are slipper style flats- they are a dream for rushing about town but also look elegant and feminine. So, the new uglies are more about the issuing of a blatant, unmistakable challenge to fetish 10inch heels. My slipper flats just get on with their job whereas some clumpy sports sandals scream, 'LOOK AT HOW COMFORTABLE AND UNSEXY I AM'. I, for one, will be fascinated to see whether this a trend which translates or a catwalk gimmick. Surely pigs will fly before we see Anna Dello Russo in a nice sensible trainer?
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