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Unknown Recipe .... Monday, November 7, 2011                                                                                                  CLICK TO SEE MORE                          ... 5

Recipe ....

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                                                                                                ph. me
People say that it is best to start new things on Mondays, and here we are .... 
Those who are following me on Twitter or FB page, knows how much i love food, and great photos with some delicious things.... I never told you about another  passion of mine - cooking. And its about time to show you.This is very important to me, cause i really enjoy and relax while im cooking,  so i decided to start sharing it with you. New section on my blog will be recipes, and i will post them occasionally. You will see the whole process of preparation for the most of them, and it will be super easy for you to repeat. If you save all these photos, you can browse it like a "book" while you're in the kitchen ( with your gadgets, like phone or tablet  for example) and follow the instructions directly.
The first recipe is "Lasagna with chicken and mushrooms" which my mom watched on Tv and then decided to make. Quantity of ingredients depends only from the size of your oven dish. Hope you will try it, its yummy!

Kažu da je ponedeljkom najbolje započinjati nove stvari ... 
Pa eto i nove rubrike na blogu vezane za recepte. Sigurno se pitate kakve veze imaju sa modom, i odmah ću vam reći - nikakve ( osim možda  u estetskom smislu) , ali kuvanje je nešto u čemu uživam, nešto što me neverovatno relaksira, te sam rešila da postane deo ovog mog " online mesta". 
Oni koji me prate na tviteru ili na FB stranici bloga, znaju koliko volim da postavljam fotografije sa hranom, pa će im ova rubrika biti potpuno smislena. Imaćete priliku da vidite ceo postupak pripremanja.
Verujem da ste primetili da više ne pišem dvojezično, jer mi  dosta vremena oduzima ovih par rečenica, da ne zvuče njanjavo, previše slatkasto, da moj smisao za humor ne pređe u nešto drugo, i zbog toga nekoliko rečenica na engleskom, sa svim gore navedenim elementima savršeno odgovaraju! :) Ali ću sastojke uvek napisati i na srpskom, da ne bude zabune oko namirnica i količine!
"Dalmatinske lazanje" ( izvor- tv emsija)
- ulje, luk, pileći file,
- oljušteni paradajz (prstohvat šećera, soli),
- vlasac, origano, vegeta, peršun, bosiljak,
- pečurke,
- neutralna pavlaka ( 250ml),
- prezle, puter, lazanje,
- kačkavalj.
Količina namirnica zavisi od veličine posude u kojoj ćete peći lazanje.
Nadam se da će vam se nova rubrika dopasti i da ćete probati ovo ukusno jelo! :)

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