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Unknown SS12: NEW YEAR, NEW COLOURS FROM GERHARD RICHTER Friday, January 6, 2012 Posted by Bethan Holt, Fashion Junior at Large Here at FEAL, we have been enjoying a rather extended Christmas break however I can assure yo... 5


Posted by Bethan Holt, Fashion Junior at Large

Here at FEAL, we have been enjoying a rather extended Christmas break however I can assure you that normal service will resume on Monday.

I finally got around to visiting Tate Modern's Gerhard Richter: Panorama exhibition this week. I could go on about how Richter uses art to protest, to explore Germany's attitudes the World War Two or his quite beautiful ability to paint pictures as realistic as photographs, but that's not very fashion is it?

 Instead, I want to tell you about his use of colour. After a period of using mostly grey in his work- to express the misery of concentration camps- Richter turned to colour in the 1980s; 'some writers suggested the paintings reflected a period of personal joy and renewed confidence in painting' the exhibition guide tells us. Funnily enough, the prevailing mood of the SS12 collections was happy and pretty and joyful. A hugely positive  message at a time when the world is apparently facing the biggest crisis since WWII as economies across the world struggle to cope. We could be downcast but fashion says No.

We'll be bringing you more in-depth looks at the SS12 trends in the coming weeks but for now, here is Richter and SS12 colour....


Carven SS12

Marni SS12


Peter Pilotto SS12
And one of my favourite images from the Richter exhibition (only on until Sunday), a portrait of his wife Ema, a response to Marcel Duchamp's 'Nude Descending a Staircase'.

All Gerhard Richter images from

All Catwalking images from
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