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Unknown Day Five // Obsession Sunday, May 5, 2013 So, it's day 5 of the challenge , and I've been doing pretty good so far! Today's topic is: Publicly express your love and devot... 5

Day Five // Obsession

So, it's day 5 of the challenge, and I've been doing pretty good so far! Today's topic is: Publicly express your love and devotion to one of your blogger friends.

Okay. This one is tough, because I read so many blogs, so it's hard for me to narrow it down. There are the blogs that I read every day, but they have no idea I exist. [The Pink Peonies, Cleverly Yours, Ivory Lane, etc.] There are the ones that know I exist, but probably don't read my blog. [Rylee Blake, Story of My Life, Katilda, etc.] There are bloggers that I love that DO know I exist AND they read my blog. [C + J, Design, Life, and Style, etc.]

BUT. The blogger I am going to be talking about today is Katelin from My Wardrobe Staples.

So cute, right?? [Picture via My Wardrobe Staples.]

She did a guest post on my blog a few weeks ago, which you can see HERE. But ever since I found her blog, I have been obsessed with it. She does fashion posts, fitness and diet tips, makeup and beauty, stories about newlywed life, and so much more! She is an amazing blogger and she is seriously the cutest! Her blog has been one that I now check every day. [I'm such a stalker. It's fine!] Her blog is so fun, and it's so easy to relate with her! Something that I really love about her fashion posts is how affordable, yet stylish her clothes are! Some of the fashion blogs I read, the girls spend thousands of dollars on a pair of shoes. Uhmm, no thanks! That's something that I am really conscious about on my own blog, and I absolutely love that she does the same!

I'm glad that I met her through the blogging world, and guess what? I'll be up in Utah at the end of the month and I'm super stoked to meet up with her! [Hope she doesn't change her mind after she reads this post! ;] But for real guys, I definitely think she is someone that you should ALL get to know, so go check out her blog and follow along with her!! [And feel free to check out the other blogs I mentioned too, because they are all amazing!!]

So this is me expressiog how much I love Katelin and her blog!!  Katelin, if you're reading this, please don't be totally freaked by this post? :] Sending blogger love your way!!

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