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Unknown Featured in ... Saturday, May 4, 2013                                                                                               CLICK TO SEE MORE                             ... 5

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April was a pretty good month when it comes about press features. Every Monday I'm with other fellow bloggers in Svet and style weekly magazine, showing our outfits with a certain trend. Black&white, Neon and Depeche mode concert were last three themes.
Beside this, at the end of the month special issue of Elle Serbia (b-day issue) came out! And inside of the first pages guess who popped out? Me! :) A girl who will be testing runway fashion in a real situations by suggesting what is wearable and what's not. This time we ended up with jumpsuit where I gave my opinion about the whole thing! :)
If you had chance to read it, I would love to hear your thought about the idea!
Have a nice day!

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