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Unknown Light and Dark Friday, May 3, 2013 Kayvan and I were taking pictures for the self portrait he has been working on. He wanted to focus on the light source, so we played around ... 5

Light and Dark

















Kayvan and I were taking pictures for the self portrait he has been working on.
He wanted to focus on the light source, so we played around with candles and even the iphone flashlight ap, to achieve all different affects.  Although all of these were not useful I thought the test pictures made with hand made light were pretty in their own right.  I was especially fond of the chair that was being used as a makeshift tripod, that quickly became a prof for our feet hands and faces.  I would proudly like to show you the painting when hes ready!!!

Clothing details:

Top: 1980s neon floral turtle neck with aqua zipper
Sweater: 1950s angora sweater jumper with little pearls hanging around the picot collar
Kayvans top: Velour rose pyjama from Primark
Nailpolish: Ilamasqua

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