I do sure feel like a candy whenever I dress up in certain shades of pink, or minty green, baby blue, lilac or pale yellow...
I want to talk about the skirt I am wearing here, it is from an older collection from H&M and I remembered how much I wanted to buy it back then but I never seemed to have the amount of money needed. As soon as my dreams of my affair with it were gone, so was the collection from all stores! Aaaaaaand, just a few days ago, as I was looking rather bored through the skirts section in a thrift shop I saw it there with the specific heavenly glow and instantly grabbed it and ran to the dressing room (my size!) and almost bouncing up and down to pay for it (and it was ridiculously cheap, I am not even going to say it)
I am still wondering how this amazing, flawless skirt ended up in a thrift shop; why would anyone give it away?! (perhaps it was stolen?) In any case, it's my treasure now!
The other day I found this wonderful pair of sunglasses, that reminded me of the Prada Baroque ones - which I love dearly - but these don't cost as much, naturally. I think I will be living in them for the rest of the Summer.
Oh and about the shoes, here's a funny story: I bought them like five years ago for my prom, but then I found another pair more suiting with the dress and I gave up on these...until now! I am telling you I never wore them (outside the house) in all these years and now I just love them! Funny how our perspectives change in time right?
Wearing: H&M skirt, Pinkie top, vintage black necklace and belt, Meli Melo rings and sunglasses, thrifted Primark bag, MiniPrix.ro old shoes.
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