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Unknown One step outside the city Thursday, July 31, 2014  I am tired of the city. I really need an escapade somewhere in the middle of nature, to see the woods, smell fresh air, feel the cool breez... 5

One step outside the city

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 I am tired of the city. I really need an escapade somewhere in the middle of nature, to see the woods, smell fresh air, feel the cool breeze of the mountain, gather flowers and berries to my own heart's content. I have to make this possible soon or I will go nuts, I am sure most of you felt this at a certain point in your life. As much as I am a city girl, I just need to disconnect from time to time.
Finding this little abandoned corner of nature about three minutes from where I live in Cluj, near the edge of the city, made me think more about the idea of an escapade; this idea was strongly endorsed by the beautiful landscapes I saw when I travelled back in my hometown and smelled the green air of nature while the wind was strongly blowing through my hair.

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I will end this article in a peaceful manner, just as I so much desire, with a song that is obsessing my mind right now:

Wearing: Zara pants, Primark thrifted bag, BeYou shirt, Meli Melo necklace

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