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Unknown Come, celebrate World Heart Day with Vedic Lifecare Healthy Heart Club Sunday, September 28, 2014 I n celebration of the world heart day on the 29 th of September, Vedic Lifecare Hospital is offering an exciting opportunity to join their ... 5

Come, celebrate World Heart Day with Vedic Lifecare Healthy Heart Club

In celebration of the world heart day on the 29thof September, Vedic Lifecare Hospital is offering an exciting opportunity to join their Healthy Heart Club (VHHC) at a 50% discounted cardiac fitness profiling assessment.

After the cut, you will find an excerpt of an interview with Dr. Mahesh Shetty M.D. an Internal Medicine specialist with over 15 years of experience, also a well recognized professor of intensive care in India. 

What is the reason for celebrating World Heart Day?
Ans: We are celebrating man’s most faithful friend.
If you can be quiet and calm you will feel the nudging of the most efficient organ that was ever created, the Heart
Ø  Your heart beats about 100,000 times a day, working tirelessly to keep you alive and active
Ø  Your heart will work for every second of every day of your life, it never rests.
We are creating awareness to promote heart care, so people will know it is something to be taking care of. We want to give information to people regarding heart care.     Read more….

What is the burden of heart diseases?
Ans: Right now it is the number one killer in the world. It is a huge financial and emotional burden and as is it now occurring to much younger people, it affects our most productive populace thereby making it important.

Can these heart diseases be prevented?
 Ans: Yes. Obviously yes. It can be prevented through timely intervention and medication. That is why we advocate preventive health checkup for everyone. We save a lot of stress and resources by taking a proactive approach to heart care and health generally.

Is there hope for those who are with heart diseases?
Yes of course, all hope is not lost. There are so many advanced treatments that can be employed to manage the situation.
In fact this is one of the reasons for the Vedic Healthy Heart Club.

What are aims of the Vedic Healthy Heart Club?
 Ans: The aim is to aid Club Members in the prevention and management of heart related diseases. We start by determining new members’ heart age and Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease risk estimate, give medical, dietary and fitness advice then help them achieve a set healthy heart target through proper follow up and monitoring.

What is Heart Age and how can I determine mine?
First, there is chronological age which is your actual physical age, then your heart age which represents the condition of your heart e.g. your real age might be 35 years and if you have a healthy heart, your heart age might be as good as 18years, and if the case is different you might have a heart age of 65years.
To know your age, a physician will ask some question and run certain tests that will be used in calculating it.

What is ASCVD Risk Estimator?
Ans: It is called Atherosclerotic Cardio Vascular Disease estimator, this will show the risk a person will have of getting a heart attack over a period of 10 years.
Guys, heart disease is the number 1 killer in both men and women, accounting for 1 in every 4 deaths. It does not necessarily give or show signs. Please get your heart health checked!!

For more information, please call: 08128928223, 08035293516, and 08050734437  
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