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Unknown Remy Martin Halloween Party - Are You Brave Enough? Monday, October 27, 2014 On the 31 st of October, Rémy Martin fine champagne cognac will host the public to an interesting Halloween party experience. Set at the... 5

Remy Martin Halloween Party - Are You Brave Enough?

On the 31st of October, Rémy Martin fine champagne cognac will host the public to an interesting Halloween party experience.

Set at the Haunted Mansion; which has been rumored to be inhabited by the ghost of a famous celebrity, music play from one of the many rooms at night while the windows glow with candlelight.
Paint washed off, roof leaking, over grown shrubs; galloping of horses can be heard in the hallway of the house. Some say headless horsemen ride through the endless hallway at night, some say they are centaurs. But nobody really knows.

So are you one of the brave ones?

Can you fight Vampires with stakes and silver, banish ghosts with spells, then show us your creepiest, darkest, frightening face/costume and you could be attending this party at The Haunted Mansion.
Share your pictures with hashtag #RemyMartinHalloween

For more information visit @RemyMartinNG Instagram: RemyMartinNG

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