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Unknown NEW YEAR, NEW STYLE RESOLUTION? Wednesday, January 5, 2011 Posted by Fashion Junior at Large Happy New Year on behalf of both of us - the Fash Ed is currently soaking up some well deserved down time ... 5


Posted by Fashion Junior at Large

Happy New Year on behalf of both of us - the Fash Ed is currently soaking up some well deserved down time on her holidays, so I'll be babysitting the blog this week.

The new year is traditionally a time when we all go crazy for 'newness' and change; new hairstyles, new clothes, new houses, new everything. We have all bought bargains in the sales (using our Sales Guide, naturally) and are already thinking about our Spring wardrobes, even though it is still freezing outside. This year, however, our concept of 'new style' feels slightly different.

(I think we have all thought like this on more than one occasion. 'This discounted dress WILL change my life' etc etc)

Before Christmas, the Fash Ed and I were talking about how everyone reaches a point where they have defined their own personal style. In my case, that tends to peak and trough before reaching a plateau - I haven't quite decided what my perfect 'look' is, whereas the Fash Ed has had a little more practise and knows exactly what works for her (and therefore looks consistently, annoyingly stylish!)

It is impossible for either of us to avoid being influenced by trends; we work with them on a daily basis, and we are constantly surrounded by new, exciting things. However the fact that we are so sharply aware of the transient nature of what is 'now', means that we have to be more selective about the items we choose to incorporate into our personal wardrobes.

Being the novice of the two, I tend to lean towards the more experimental, outrageous end of the spectrum. Basically, I haven't mastered the art of subtle dressing, and feel that the Fash Ed's minimal, elegant look is something that will always be out of my reach. However, I have decided that 2011 is the year that I accept my personal style for what it is; eccentric, retro, and more often than not, held together with a safety pin. Every year, I vow to stop shopping, but I think every fashion girl knows that ain't gonna happen.

 Audrey Hepburn: the only woman who could make shopping (with a deer in tow) look truly elegant.

Instead, I will vow to only buy something if it is very, very special, if it is made to last, and if it really suits me. Disposable fashion and quick fixes are officially banished. In the long run, I hope it will save me a lot of money, and a lot of fashion heartache.

With that in mind, my first purchase of 2011 has been a vintage silk Cheongsam dress with heavy embroidery from Wolf and Gypsy in Brighton, one of the best vintage shops I know! The dress is a style I have been wanting to add to my vintage collection for a while, and this summer looks set to be heavily influenced by Oriental looks. Hopefully this will be a dress I wear a lot this year, and a lot more in years to come!

So, what a your New Year style resolutions?

Images: Selfridges, Taschen, George Langford

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