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Unknown Glitter and Bloom sweater... Wednesday, February 2, 2011                                                                                         CLICK TO SEE MORE Today i wanted to show you one spe... 5

Glitter and Bloom sweater...

                                                                                        CLICK TO SEE MORE

Today i wanted to show you one special gift from our designer Iva Stefanovic, this gorgeous gray sweater!Can you imagine how happy i was? :) You know about her from one of my previous posts and this is from her great collection "Glitter and Bloom"! I will make some photos soon, i promise!
And the second thing is, this new look of my blog, i always wanted to have simple background with wider space for photos...Tell me, what are you thinking?
Prva stvar koju ste verovatno svi već primetili je novi izgled bloga...nešto što sam dugo želela, i konačno uradila! :) Belo, jednostavno , sa većim prostorom za fotografije...Nadam se da će vam se dopasti koliko i meni!
A ovo što vidite na slikama, jeste druga stvar koju sam htela da podelim sa vama danas, a to je poklon od naše divneee dizajnerke Ive Stefanović, iz njene poslednje kolekcije "Glitter and Bloom"  divan duksić!I veliko joj hvalaaaa  na tome!! Da li treba da vam kažem koliko sam se radovala i bila srećna?! :) Savršen je, i jedva čekam njegovo svečano pojavljivanje negde! ;)
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