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Unknown LETS MEET TONIGHT AT DESTINATION DENIM AT SELFRIDGES Friday, February 4, 2011 Posted by Fashion Editor at Large I'm really looking forward to tonight at Selfridges Oxford Street. Myself and the Fashion Junior will ... 5


Posted by Fashion Editor at Large

I'm really looking forward to tonight at Selfridges Oxford Street. Myself and the Fashion Junior will be on the third floor in the denim area hoping some of you will come along so we can chat about blogging, what jeans to buy now and general stuff about fashion, the wonderful Grazia and all that jazzmatazz.

On a personal note, I haven't been wearing jeans as much as I used to lately. But then jeans were my fashion item of choice 90% of the time for the majority of the noughties. However, after a break from my skinny-leg J Brands and my ACNE Hex jeans (swapped for Dom & Ruby skinny leather trousers) I've found myself also wearing a high-waisted black slim-leg pair from Nobody (an Aussie brand), and hankering after a pair of Theyskens for Theory wide-leg jeans.

Find these on

More than that I'm starting to feel for a new sexy boyish aesthetic that is excellently portrayed in this Buffalo inspired shoot styled by Kate Phelan and photographed by Daniel Jackson in the march edition of UK Vogue. 

I'm getting to Selfridges early today - I'm in the blogging area from 5pm - so I can try on these jeans:
Elson by Citizens of Humanity £220 at Selfridges

I'm loving these by Zara too.

And for summer I NEED pink jeans.

Photos: Vogue/

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