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Unknown Somebody to love ... Thursday, July 7, 2011                                                                                          CLICK TO SEE MORE                                 ... 5

Somebody to love ...

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                                                                                              sneakers: h&m,
                                                                                              skirt: non branded,
                                                                                              belt: vintage,
                                                                                              tank top: pull&bear,
                                                                                              cardigan: zara,
                                                                                              bag: aldo,
                                                                                              watch: Ice watch,
                                                                                              bracelets: h&m, and diy,
                                                                                              necklace: swarovski,
                                                                                              sunglasses: aldo,
                                                                                              nail polish: rimmel - sky high,
                                                                                              ph: Maja

Yesterday, i was chasing b-day gift for my little sister, and after that i made her favorite cake! :) Between those two things, i managed to grab some photos, and here they are.... I was wearing skirt, that i got in elementary school, long time ago :) , sneakers, and simple white cardigan, perfect for rush through the city! Hope you will like it! And now, i just need to say this:
Happy birthday Masa! ♥
Juče sam konačno pronašla poklon za sestru, koja danas puni četrnaest godina :) , i napravila njenu omiljenu Milka tortu! A između toga, uspela da napravim i nekoliko fotografija... Nosila sam suknju koju sam dobila na poklon još u osnovnoj školi ( jel sad i za nju mogu da kažem da je vintage? ;) ) , bele patike koje obožavam i jednostavan beli kardigan, savršenu kombinaciju za jurnjavu gradom. Nadam se da će vam se dopasti! :)
Ostaje mi još da kažem:
Mašo, Srećan  rođendan!!! ♥
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