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Unknown Roaring Twenties Tuesday, March 13, 2012 There is something about the '20s that attracts me in a special way, no matter what small obsession I may have for other past decades in... 5

Roaring Twenties


There is something about the '20s that attracts me in a special way, no matter what small obsession I may have for other past decades in certain moments, I am constantly being drawn to that era, an era with nonchalant attitude, with freedom of movement, with jazz, with laughter without being constrained by society or manners.
When TINA R contacted me for a collaboration and suggested me this dress, imagine how I immediately built up a story in time. I felt dressed like this as if I were a character in "Midnight in Paris" or a dancer at the cabaret in "Chicago". Needless to say those are two of my favorite films and this dress is like ripped from that period of time ; the low waist, the elegance, the fringes.. I paired it with a self made headband, added some pearls and tried to make finger-waves in my hair (it's soooo complicated) and this is the result of which I am quite proud.










1920's Hairstyles - The Finger Wave -glamourdaze

1920 22


TINA R is a Romanian brand which for 18 years has enchanted us with both lovely, glamorous dresses and with feminine casual clothing for all types of women, that is way the brand celebrated in a unique way by forming the "Mothers&Daughters" campaign, you can check out photos here

You can check out posts made by other bloggers with TINA R products, right HERE!

Wearing: Tina R dress, New Look shoes, vintage purse, self-made headband, Stradivarius socks.
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