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Unknown PRADA'S REAL FANTASIES SS12: ARE YOU A HOT-RODDER OR A GOLFER? Monday, March 12, 2012 Posted by Bethan Holt, Fashion Junior at Large It's not too often that a look book comes our way which takes the collection it's sho... 5


Posted by Bethan Holt, Fashion Junior at Large

It's not too often that a look book comes our way which takes the collection it's showing us into fantastical, nostalgic realms beyond fashion. So, when images from Prada's Spring/Summer look book, a continuation of the Real Fantasies series, pinged into our inbox this afternoon we had to share.

There's a video to accompany the look book which Prada have made available exclusively to their 1.6 million Facebook fans- check it out here (and below). Given that Prada's social media presence was virtually non-existent a couple of years ago, a Facebook fan base that massive is really rather impressive, if unsurprising. Also, this is the savviest time for reminding us all that Spring/Summer is only just beginning. Fresh from the AW12 shows, we'd almost forgotten that there's plenty of Summer fun to come before A/W descends.

We all know by now that Prada SS12 was all excessively pretty, jewel encrusted coats, skirts and dresses mixed up with flaming car motifs and prints. AMO-OMA, the architectural partnership which has collaborated closely with the Prada brand for a few seasons now, have devised a series of handmade collages which integrate the SS12 collection with kooky references to golfing, hot-rodding, playing board games- basically anything which recalls the idealised mid-century era which the fashion references but with a fun twist. We like!

All images courtesy of Prada


PRODUCTION / ART DIRECTION: AMO / Ippolito Pestellini Laparelli, Fausto Fantinuoli

ARTWORK: Jeroen Koolhaas, Lok Jansen



MUSIC: Frédéric Sanchez

EXECUTIVE PRODUCER: Max Brun – Hi ! Production

EDITING: Brian Vincent Durkin
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