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Unknown Fat vs. Skinny Sunday, April 29, 2012 Here's something a little bit different on my blog. I've been thinking now for couple of days should I write or should I not write t... 5

Fat vs. Skinny

Here's something a little bit different on my blog.
I've been thinking now for couple of days should I write
or should I not write this text, but seeing that lately people
have been commenting on my daily outfits pointing out my
weight, I've decided that I should do this.

I'm not doing this to change anyone's opinion on what's
healthy or what's not, what's beautiful or what's not, just
wanna see how my readers are thinking outside the usual
thoughts about the clothes or some other stuff that I've been
posting on this blog.

I wonder what is beautiful? Who can say or decide why
is someone more beautiful or pretty than somebody else?

I have just read that Beyonce was voted the most beautiful
woman in the world by the choice of People magazine.
Some might agree, some might disagree, but I think that it's
a little bit silly to choose anyone as the most beautiful woman
or a man in this world, since there's no definition of beauty!

In my mind beauty comes from the inside, soul is what matters,
we're anyway just borrowing this body that we're living in.
Of course, in another way, body matters too, so that it's a
good home to our soul while it's living in it.

I'm in love with the healthy lifestyle, but haven't been able to lead
one myself for the past 4 years. Huge lack of sleep, huge amounts
of stress and not always eating healthy sure did affect my weight,
but I haven't lost more than 5 kg since 4 years back and my
body weight has been pretty much always the same before that.

I wonder why do people always think that if somebody is skinny,
btw I would rather use other word here - SLIM, is automatically
called or pointed out as anorexic or looking bad or in need of
couple of hamburgers, etc.
Also, who has the right to call anyone fat?? Again, I would use
another word for this and that's CURVY!

Why people can't be SLIM if they've been like that because of
genetical predispositions ( like myself ), or because they're
leading very healthy life style, or because they're being under
a lot of stress?

Why people can't be CURVY if they've been like that because of
genetical predispositions ( esp. latin women ), or because they're
also leading healthy lifestyle, or because they're also maybe under
lots of stress and sometimes finding comfort in food??

I think that we all know how anorexia and overweight look like
and these two things are big sicknesses and I believe that it's not
easy to deal with them as it's not easy to deal with any other kind
of sickness, but let's not mix up SLIM & CURVY with these
other two.


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