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Unknown Halloween Shenanigans Wednesday, October 31, 2012 Instagram: Halloween is kind of weird and spread out here weeks in advance in London, and most of the time people don't go all out with ... 5

Halloween Shenanigans

















Halloween is kind of weird and spread out here weeks in advance in London,
and most of the time people don't go all out with their costumes, and only accept and covet scary costumes.


Morgan and I got into trouble running around dalston and going to various venues.  I was disguised as a dead time traveler that dies while in traveling back in time, and never made it to the 1980s (the half upper lip is a prediction of a fashionable lipstick style of the future ;).  Morgan has an amazing skeleton and fringe dress with amazing bottom lashed and black lipstick.


Morgan, Pierre and I went to a Halloween event at the V&A were dressed as a wolf and two sheep.
I  also funnily found out that adding a bell with a satin ribbon doesn't make since since cows are the ones with bells! We enjoyed gluten free almond cakes with a perfect french white wine (my dad would be proud of the pairing I must say!) towards the end of the evening

Happy Halloween!!!
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