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Unknown Outfit Post: Navy & Coral Thursday, April 18, 2013 Super excited about today's Outfit of the Day, because coral and navy blue is probably my favorite color combination. It is just so clea... 5

Outfit Post: Navy & Coral

Super excited about today's Outfit of the Day, because coral and navy blue is probably my favorite color combination. It is just so clean and sharp, it's not too bright of an outfit or too dark, and I am just obsessed. [That kind of rhymed, and every time I read that line back, it sounds like a little poem or song. I swear it was unintentional.] 

Anyway, I'm loving this outfit. And I'm loving my photographer even more. For real though guys, can we just talk about how good of a photographer H is? I'm obsessed with these pics, and it is definitely his mad camera skills. ;]

Top: Marshalls; Skirt: H&M; Shoes: Charlotte Russe, similar; Bag: Marshalls

Okay--now I have been dying to try out a reverse ombre on my hair lately, but I'm kind of scared! I might just go in next week and be brave, but first I want all of your opinions! Let me know what you think!!

[I'm thinking something like this. But imagine that her hair was cut off at the shoulders like mine is, so it would just be a tiny bit of that caramel color at the bottom. Yay? Nay? Let me know!! :]

And a huge thank you to all of you who voted in Style Mint's Style for Your City contest! The top 10 people with the most number of votes become semi-finalists and then are chosen for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place by fashion bloggers like Rach Parcell of Pink Peonies. I was in 3rd place as of last night, which means I am a semi-finalist [YAY], but I'll let you know if I place! :]

 photo FVsigg_zps0696da73.png

[Linking up with: My Wardrobe Staples, The Fashion Canvas, Plane Pretty, The House of Shoes]
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