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Unknown Outfit Post: A Pop of Neon Monday, April 15, 2013 So remember this post from last week? Well, I wasn't joking about my neon obsession. And a few days ago, H's sweet Grandma told me ... 5

Outfit Post: A Pop of Neon

So remember this post from last week? Well, I wasn't joking about my neon obsession. And a few days ago, H's sweet Grandma told me how much she loved my blog, and then gave me some cash to go buy a new neon outfit for my blog! I was incredibly grateful, and definitely very willing.

This is the outfit that I put together today and I am so excited about it. I love the strip of neon on this clutch, because it's not too overwhelming, and you could literally wear it with any color. This is the perfect look for spring/summer and you will probably be seeing these neon pieces styled many different ways. Oh, and let's not forget about the shoes! These have been one of my favorite pairs of shoes for a while now. They are tall, but still comfortable! I wore a pair of really high heels to church yesterday, and my feet were crying by the time we walked down the stairs from our apartment. So something cute and comfortable is a must for me!

[Did you notice that I painted my nails neon orange just for this outfit? I'm committed!]

This one's for you, Gloria ;]

Shirt: Target; Cardigan: Forever 21; Belt: Forever 21; Jeans: Charlotte Russe [similar]; Shoes: Charlotte Russe [similar]; Clutch: Target

Hope you all had an amazing weekend!!

PS-- Please, please, PLEASE vote for my outfit on Style Mint's Facebook contest! Vote HERE. [You will have to "like" Style Mint on Facebook in order to get to the correct page.]
Thank you!!

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