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Unknown Circus! Thursday, July 4, 2013 Two days ago I had a photo shoot and if you've been following my blog for long enough then you know that I'm a professional fine art... 5


Two days ago I had a photo shoot and if you've been following my
blog for long enough then you know that I'm a professional fine art photographer
and I'm going to be a part of group exhibition in NYC's Agora gallery this August.
This photo shoot was very special because I feel that I have managed to move a scale
up with it's final outcome and that makes me SO happy.
I'm very proud of the photos and even more of all the friends that took part in creating
this photo shoot and have helped me to bring yet one more story to life!

If you wish to see more of my work, please check it out HERE!!

Model: Tuomas Holopainen
Make up: Suzana Reich
Assistant: Kristina Paich
Styling, photography, post production: me

Here's the final outcome:

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