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Unknown Outfit post - Cyanide Sunday, September 7, 2014 Good morning everybody!! How was your weekend? Mine was very short, but very sweet. I did have pretty "weird" week as I've bee... 5

Outfit post - Cyanide

Good morning everybody!!
How was your weekend? Mine was very short, but
very sweet. I did have pretty "weird" week as I've been
in some pain because of my teeth being fixed and waiting
for the proper fillings to be put in in two days.
Eating was such a challenge, as I can only chew on the left
side of my mouth and only very soft foods, nothing too crunchy.
We did get some lovely thai food take away and oh it was so delicious.
I have also went out with my sister to check out a show of one rock
band and it was great to have our girly time/ night out.
Sunday was all about just taking it easy, going out for a long walk,
cooking some comfort food and checking a movie at cinema.

Whole last week, we've been blessed with beautiful and sunny weather
which made me extremely happy and energised!
Here's an outfit which I wore to a date with my husband as we've celebrated
6 years of wedding anniversary.

I'm now getting ready to go to the gym and since due to flu I've skipped
two weeks of exercising, I can't even begin to tell you how much my body
has been craving the proper workout.

I'd like to wish you all a great and successful Monday!

I'm wearing: Dress, jacket & necklace - Zara, Bag - H&M - Paris F/W '13,
Sunglasses - Chanel, Ring - Deni design, Shoes - Calvin Klein

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