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Unknown UNARTE Gala Friday, July 1, 2011 Here are some photos from the UNARTE Gala I went to yesterday, where the fashion graduates presented their own collections. There where abou... 5



Here are some photos from the UNARTE Gala I went to yesterday, where the fashion graduates presented their own collections. There where about 40 collections (so many!) but here are a few of my favorites. Hope you like!








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The girls form Bucharest Style ere also there, looking fabulous, and also there was Denisa too from Fashion in my eyes, she was part of the Perwoll jury which gave the awards for young designers to two students. Yey for them! I didn't manage to take photos of their collections, because my battery died, but check out Denisa's post and you will see.


This is what I wore at the event, something not too fancy, just casual. Although we waited so long for it to begin and the lights were at first not too great, we got to see interesting pieces, both experimental and ready-to-wear. Can you imagine I will be presenting there one year from now my graduate collection? I can't. Times flies so fast..

Wearing: MiniPrix blazer, H&M top and bag, Next jeans

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