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Unknown Thank You's, Chevron, and Chambray Tuesday, July 2, 2013 I just want to say a quick thank you to all of you that visit my little corner of the internet. Fashion Flirtation has grown so quickly in s... 5

Thank You's, Chevron, and Chambray

I just want to say a quick thank you to all of you that visit my little corner of the internet. Fashion Flirtation has grown so quickly in such a short amount of time, and it wouldn't be without you! Yesterday I had over 2,000 page views, and I am so extremely excited about it. So thank you for your support and for all of your sweet comments! They mean so much to me, even if I am not able to get back to them as quickly as I'd like. But THANK YOU, from the bottom of my heart!

As far as Copycat Tuesday goes, I based today's outfit off of Rachel from The Pink Peonies in this outfit:

[Image via The Pink Peonies.]

I really liked how she wore a simple chambray over top of a dress, giving it a whole new look. I also am obsessed with wedges for summer. Here is my recreation of the style, not necessarily the outfit.

 Dress: Kohl's [old, loving THIS one] // Chambray: Target [similar] // Shoes: Charlotte Russe [similar] // Bag: Marshalls // Sunnies: HelloFab

Don't forget to enter the two amazing giveaways that are going on right now! $300 J. Crew gift card and A Year Supply of Essie Nail Polish! And since Google Reader has officially shut down, I would love it if you would all follow along with me via Bloglovin!

Also, I'm getting my hair done today-- should I cut it again or grow it out? Should I get the bottom darkened since it's faded a lot or go back to all blonde??

[Linking up with The Fashion Canvas.]

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