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Unknown Day 17: Rainy Day + Flaws Wednesday, August 7, 2013 So I came across THIS post the other day, and absolutely loved it. She talks about not trying to fit the mold; owning your flaws, and not t... 5

Day 17: Rainy Day + Flaws

So I came across THIS post the other day, and absolutely loved it. She talks about not trying to fit the mold; owning your flaws, and not trying to hide them. And I decided that I needed to share some of my flaws with you today. One of my favorite things is fashion blogs. One of my least favorite things is when the fashion bloggers are completely unrelatable and make it seem like their lives are perfect.
Guess what? My life isn't perfect and neither am I. [Surprise, surprise.]

Some of the flaws that I might typically try to hide from you:
-I leave my clothes everywhere. My apartment is almost never clean because it's littered with clothes and shoes. I hate hanging clothes up, and it really is a huge chore for me.
-Speaking of clothes, I get really stressed out when it comes to choosing outfits. I swear, at least once a week, I am on the verge of tears because I don't know what to wear.
-I can be super lazy.
-I watch way too much TV. I think it has to do with the fact that I'm so lazy. Or maybe I'm lazy because I'd rather just sit and watch TV.
-I get really frustrated with H when he can't read my mind. My best girl friends can always read my mind, so why can't he? [It's like he's a man or something... ;]
-I do not like animals. At all. [I truly despise cats.] And I get really mad when I see people treat their pets like humans. [I'm not trying to offend anyone!]
-I'm impatient. When I want something done, I want it done now
-I'm on my phone way too much. Social media has become a huge part of my life, and it's sad how many opportunities I'm sure I miss out on, because my eyes are glued to my phone.
-I'm judgmental, which is really sad, because I hate when girls are judgmental. 
-I'm an over-tipper. [Some may not think this is a flaw, but I'm pretty sure H does. ;] H always gives me the check so I can add the tip, because it drives me crazy when people don't tip well.
-When I'm at the grocery store and I decide I don't want something after all, I put it back on the closest shelf I see. I justify it by telling H that if I didn't put things in the wrong place, the employees wouldn't have anything to do. [Anyone that works at a grocery store is probably hating me right now! Sorry! :]
-I don't/can't eat healthy. I've tried, and yet somehow I always end up eating oatmeal cream pies/zebra cakes/oreos in the end. I love salad, and I love fruits and vegetables, but I also have a major sweet tooth that can't be tamed. 
-Oh, and I also don't work out very often.
-I take waaaaaaay too many pictures on my phone. [Sometimes while driving?!] But mostly they are of this cute girl, which makes me think maybe it's not a flaw at all. I mean, just look at her!! I may or may not be obsessed.

 [And yes, she does the whole hand on hip thing. We call it her "fashion pose" and I love it.]

ANYWAY. This outfit wasn't technically part of the 30 day challenge, but I don't really care. It's only day 17 and already I am ready to wear some other clothes. I'm still going to call it day 17 though. I just may end up with a couple of extra items at the end. Oops! :] 

H and I woke up yesterday morning and were happily surprised at the sound of rain. Rain is my absolute favorite and I jumped out of bed to get dressed with my Hunter rain boots. I wish it rained every day! 

Headwrap: c/o Bloom By Haley Anne // H&V Necklace: c/o Bip and Bop // Gold Link Bracelet: c/o Bows to Toes

Isn't this headwrap just to die for? Bloom by Haley Anne has the cutest headwraps at such an affordable price! You can score 2 of these for only $20! Make sure to check out her site! I hope you have a great day, and I'd love to see you share some of your flaws on your blogs. Make sure to leave a link if you do! :]

Don't forget to enter the Group Giveaway and the $200 White Plum Giveaway!

*Linking up with: Rolled Up Pretty // Fashion and Beauty Finds // Random Wednesday // Real Girl Style // The Pleated Poppy 
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