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Outfit post - Thankful

Good Wednesday everybody!
The snow has melted away already and the temperatures are
up, so I got up this morning and was in a great mood to take
some outfit photos. I didn't mind the snow at all, but outfits
do look much better when there's not a bunch of snow everywhere.
Hopefully we'll get some more snow soon, at least around Christmas
time, because as cliche as it sounds, I'd love to have a White Christmas :)

Not just because of the Thanksgiving, for the past couple of days
I've been intensively thinking about being thankful...
I've never had problems in saying "thank you" to people, no matter
if it's just thank you for handing me something, holding doors for me
or something much bigger, like thank you for being my rock, my friend, etc.
The "problem" which I've had and am still not 100% "cured" from is that I
would tend to concentrate so much on things that I don't have, goals
that I haven't reached yet, places I haven't been to yet, you name it...
I was always a dedicated, persistent and hard working person, but I would
never be 100% happy, I would always think that "that certain thing" or this
"certain event" were going to be something that would make me happy when
they happen to me or I accomplish them...
Well, guess what? It doesn't work that way... I did reach some of these goals,
I did got some of the things I've been lusting for, I did travel to some places
and events I could have only dreamed about and as much as they were amazing
moments in my life, ultimately they didn't make me happy the way I thought that
they would. They didn't make me happy because I didn't live in the moment, I was
already onto planning and thinking about what next I have to do, which new goal
to reach, which new thing to buy, etc.
Up until about a year or so ago, when I have finally started to realise that the
biggest blessing of all is to be present in THIS moment now, be thankful for what
you have now and live it, because you never know when is your time going to
be up on this place called Earth...

If you just stop and think about it... If right now you can say that you have roof
over your head, food on the table, you are breathing, moving, thinking clear and
have at least 2 people whom you truly love and who love you back...
You are incredibly happy and rich person and you have so much to be thankful for.

Always count your blessings, that's the only key to be happy and then and
only then, when something amazing happens to you, you will be so happy and
radiate happiness that other people will become happy just from picking up on
your great overall vibe.
Spread happiness and be thankful dear readers!


I'm wearing: Bag - Givenchy, Boots - Chanel, Coat - Max Mara,
Scarf - COS, Jeans - Zara, Sweatshirt - Mr.Steve, Beanie - Boss Orange,
Top - Esprit, Bracelet - Marc by Marc Jacobs

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