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Dim - Montorgueil - Paris



I work as a Pizzaïolo

I wear a shirt from GUERRISOL store.
Bag from MacDo.
Shoes from an "For old people" store.
Fashion means nothing special to me.
My look is a summer look.
I like pizzas. My favorites are Margheritas and with pepperoni !
I don't like pizzas with mushrooms ...
My message to the world: Nothing special ... Hi !

Camille & Thomas - Montorgueil - Paris



I am a stylist in Fashion accessories

I wear a vintage jacket from Kiliwatch Store.
Boots by ASH. Dress from AA.
Tights from H&M.
No perfume.
Fashion is a playing ground to explore.
My look is casual to ride a Motorbike.
I don't like girls who put their jeans IN their boots.
I like girls who don't !
My message to the world: Hi everybody !



I am a singer in a Rock Metal Group

I wear a sweater from Sweden.
Pant's & Shoes by VAN's
Glasses by RAYBAN
Belt from "Every Time I die" Hardcore group.
My dog is a French Bulldog called Darma.
My look is direct from my Cupboard !
I love to scream. I don't like people and especially french people.
My message to the world: stop killing eachothers !

Morgane - Rue Montorgueil - Paris



I work as a waitress in an Italian restaurant.
I wear a ZARA Jacket. Jeans by DIESEL (Lowky).
Shoes & Bag by COSMO. T-Shirt from NYC.
Bracelet from AGATHA. Watch from GUESS.
Fashion ? I love it ! My look is Destroy-Fashion.
I like frankness. I don't like rain.
My message to the world: Come to my restaurant to eat Pasta !


Mae - Rue Montorgueil - Paris



I am student in HighSchool.
I wear a Suit-Jacket from my Mom.
A T-shirt of the Muppet Show.
Beret, shoes, pants are vintage.
Glasses vintage C.DIOR.
Perfume: CHLOE
Fashion is an amusement. My look is comfortable.
I love Ben&Jerry Ice-creams. I don't like Asparagus.
My message to the world: Mathematics should not exist !


Michaele - Etienne Marcel - Paris



I am a student in fashion Design

All my outfit is from Italian brands ...
Bag by TopShop. Perfume "One" by CALVIN KLEIN.
Fashion is my life above all. My look is like a "French Cliché".
I like people who are themselves. I don't like to queue (to line).
My message to the world: Be yourself and be creativ. Don't care about people think of you !


The final piece

The finished product of this post 
with a conceptual explanation

For my conceptual class final
I continued a long-term obsession
In a past post I talked about my
obsession with masks

Masks are anonymous
but not like a paper bag over your head kind of anonymous

Instead you choose what others see

I thought of rock stars
specifically terry poison

They might want to got to the next level of cheekiness
by covering their swimsuit shapes
while choose what the audience sees

here it is:


BEFORE: self conscious rock star


AFTER: self assured rock star!!


Work in progress
(changing shoes)


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