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Posted by Bethan Holt Fashion Junior at Large

As if you needed further reminder, today is the 1st day of December which means the official countdown to Christmas can begin- hurrah! This advent time we will be bringing you a new fabulous product each day- it may be a very practical item to add to your Santa's list or a completely fantastical, escapist fantasy of a purchase to give you a moment's respite from pre-christmas to-do lists.

Christmas is traditionally a time for charitable sharing as well as luxe item lusting and our very first choice combines the two rather appropriately. As well as being the first day of Christmas countdown, it is also World Aids Day today. Gap has been playing its part for a few years now with its (red) collection. Back in October, I got massively overexcited when I heard Gap were collaborating with Isabel Marant. Sadly, a range was not to be but this t-shirt is Marant's contribution to raising funds for this extremely worthy cause. 50% of profits made from the t-shirt will be going towards the continuing fight to eliminate AIDS- a very worthy start to the festivities.

Isabel Marant t-shirt  £24.50 from and Gap stores

'I won't be a rock star. I will be a legend'... Freddie Mercury

Autumn's End







Tomorrow is the 1st of December (and also Romania's National Day, so no going to University for me, yey!), technically winter will soon be installed but it doesn't seem the case here. But anyway, I can't believe the three months of autumn are gone and I just hope we won't have a five-month-long winter, usually that is the case here.
Have a great rest of the week!

And for those of you who haven't entered the contest, go HERE and like the photo and don't forget to tag yourself and two friends, you can win a voucher at Daily Brands!

Wearing: H&M skirt, thrifted sweater, Takko jacket, Stradivarius bag, random brand shoes.


Posted by Bethan Holt, Fashion Junior at Large

You're going to be noticing a few changes in the next few months here at FEAL- most notably, we're going to be moving onto our very own website, rather than the blogspot. We've been poring through all the FashEd's photography books for inspiration whenever we have a spare moment . We were so in love with so many of the images that we decided it was high time we got around to sharing our favourites with all of you tumblr-aholics out there.

We've made a start today- this week is all about the 1930s but every week we'll have a new theme as well as a constant stream of anything we're loving right now. We hope you like!

Today's favourite from Lillian Bassman



ph: Ana Schechter

Last week, I was invited to HARRY WINSTON on 5th Avenue for lunch and to check out their iconic engagement ring collection. The moment I stepped through the door I was in diamond heaven! I was given the opportunity to create my dream engagement ring with Harry Winston designers. My dream design would then be sketched for me to take home. I got to see every diamond cut and setting imaginable. I mean, I just about died slipping these rings on my finger! Seriously, the most sparkling beauties I have ever seen! The design I fell in love with was a classic three-carat, round brilliant diamond solitaire ring

We then headed to Harry Winston's old private office (via his tiny personal elevator!), where we were greeted with a delicious elderflower cocktail- one of the best I've ever had! Over cocktails, I got to watch the beautiful video I exclusively posted for you above, showing the design making process of these engagement rings from beginning to end. Ring making is truly an art!

Over the three course lunch we chatted about the diamonds and got to hear some great stories about Harry Winston's history, their charity involvement, and hear about some amazing celebrity and royal encounters. Before leaving, I was presented with my personalized engagement ring sketch- a perfect souvenir that I will make sure to show my boyfriend every chance I get! ;)

Overall, I truly appreciated the personalized experience and getting to learn more about the history and art behind these creations. I want to send out a huge thank you to the Harry Winston team for one of the dreamiest afternoons I've ever had!

Head on over to HARRY WINSTON to check out all of their engagement rings.
I dare you not to fall in love with one!

Disclosure: This post was sponsored by Elle & Harry Winston. The opinions, as always, are my own.


Posted by Melanie Rickey, Fashion Editor at Large

The Savoy is surely the most glamorous location in London. Fitting as I've never seen the gathered fashion industry look as glammed up as they did last night. Theres nothing like economic gloom to inspire people into their gladrags. I spent the evening at a table hosted by Topshop with designers Nasir Mazhar, Michael van der Ham, and Mary Katrantzou, Alex Fury of as well as Kate Phelan, Mary Homer and Sheena Sauvaire from TopShop. I love the images Bethan has gathered below, they sum up the night brilliantly. Hooray for Twitter. Now onto a few observations of the evening.
*Kristen McMenamy (below) was my best dressed of the night. She looked insanely brilliant.
*As Laura Craik of The Times pointed out on Twitter, with their girly slightly cockney accents Kate Moss and Victoria Beckham sound very alike.
*Alexa Chung needs to eat a bit more
*Ed Meadham of Meadham Kirchhoff rocked a pink feather boa, making him the campest designer of the night
*Victoria Beckham is cute when she cries.

Kristen McMenamy (from
Here's what I wore, taken by Mary in our kitchen. Oh the glamour! I liked it, but I'm not sure I'll be having a Gatsby moment again anytime soon. Its just too retro. I like modern. Still, it worked for the Savoy. The dress is vintage 1930s from Lucy in Disguise, shoes Louboutin, and John at Daniel Hercheson did my hair, he also did Charlotte Dellal's of Charlotte Olympia. Anyway, thats the last you'll see of me for a while!


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