UnknownManon - Le Marais - Parishttp://artyfartyfashionparty.blogspot.com/2008/05/manon-le-marais-paris.htmlTuesday, May 20, 2008Manon 22 - History of Art student All: PROMOD Shoes/Chaussures: from Italy Glasses/Lunettes: second 1€ from AFFLELOU Perfume: Jungle by KENZ...5
All: PROMOD Shoes/Chaussures: from Italy Glasses/Lunettes: second 1€ from AFFLELOU Perfume: Jungle by KENZO Last Book: "L'assommoir" by E.Zola For me Fashion is an Art of living. Today my look is for an employment talk La Mode est un art de vivre. Mon look est pour un entretien d'embauche.