UnknownNew Glasseshttp://artyfartyfashionparty.blogspot.com/2008/07/new-glasses.htmlSaturday, July 26, 2008I received my new glasses yesterday. Although these don't look like a familiar time period, they are in fact from the 1960's. Since ...5
I received my new glasses yesterday. Although these don't look like a familiar time period, they are in fact from the 1960's. Since the color red is like black for me. (all my accessories are always red) The color of these glasses couldn't be better. As you can see They go with this hand embroidered top with ease.
Unfortunately, you can tell from this picture that the glasses make my eyes look miniature, ahah!
I'm glad my glasses came in time for my month long vacation in Europe. I'm going to Toulouse, France ( annual husbands family visit) 10 days Helsinki, Finland 6 days Riga, Latvia 3 days Tallinn, Estonia 3 days Stockholm, Sweden 6 days
I will make sure to take millions of pictures of the fashion, and try to update while I'm there.