UnknownMarthe - Rue Tiquetonne - Parishttp://artyfartyfashionparty.blogspot.com/2009/09/marthe-rue-tiquetonne-paris.htmlSaturday, September 12, 2009I study marketing. I wear a Top-Shirt by BERENICE. Pants by ZARA. Shoes (Espadrilles) by CASTANER. Bag by ABACO. Perfume: "Haute Coutur...5
I study marketing. I wear a Top-Shirt by BERENICE. Pants by ZARA. Shoes (Espadrilles) by CASTANER. Bag by ABACO. Perfume: "Haute Couture" by GIVENCHY. My look is cool return from vacation. I don't like to work. I like to go sous le soleil exactement. My message to the world: you have to work first if you want to have vacation ...