UnknownAngelique - Etienne Marcel - Parishttp://artyfartyfashionparty.blogspot.com/2010/04/angelique-etienne-marcel-paris.htmlThursday, April 22, 2010I am Student in last year of High School I wear a long Jacket by ZARA Dress by AMERICAN VINTAGE Shoes by DOC MARTEN'S Beret by KILIWATCH...5
I am Student in last year of High School I wear a long Jacket by ZARA Dress by AMERICAN VINTAGE Shoes by DOC MARTEN'S Beret by KILIWATCH Shop Ring vintage Favorite perfume: "Alien" by T. MUGLER "Eau des Merveilles" by HERMES "Fashion is a way to express and to make people stare at you ..." "My look is à l'arrache ..." "I f I had 1 000€, I would buy a dress by ALEXANDER WANG !" I love painting. I hate hypocrisy" My message to the world: "Stay cool !"