UnknownBEING A DICKHEAD IS COOL?http://artyfartyfashionparty.blogspot.com/2010/09/being-dickhead-is-cool.htmlMonday, September 13, 2010Posted by Fashion Editor at Large This guy has a blog called Kate Loves Me The hipsters (but don't call them that) of east London are al...5
The hipsters (but don't call them that) of east London are all up in arms/finding hilarious/burning with shameful recognition (delete as appropriate) at the video at the bottom of this post (yet another one) parodying their social habits and belief-system. It is hilarious.
Oh and if you thought the term hipster (don't call them that!!!) was something that went out with 1970s, think again. If you don't know what a hipster is, read the short "send-up" below of what they stand for (taken from the Hipster Handbook), and know that every cool kid you know who wears nerdy glasses and a funny moustache secretly, or sort of secretly identifies as one. For the record, if I were 24 again I would probably be part of this social group who have become extremely influential during the recession. In fact, I would be so bold as to say that the talented among this generation are this decades next creative, fashion and maybe even intelligentsia A-list.
The hipster kids are also top of the inspiration agenda for the most fashiony and forward of fashion designers. Tom Ford's eyewear campaign owes everything to Hipsters. Marc Jacobs might have given up the look for himself when he went into rehab, but his brand DNA follows the Hipster Fashion Cycle, below, exactly.
Definition of a Hipster Hipster - one who possesses tastes, social attitudes and opinions that are deemed cool by the cool. The Hipster walks among the masses in daily life but is not part of them, and shuns or reduces to kitsch anything that is held dear by the mainstream.
Now watch this funny video, taking the total piss out of them. On Friday when I first saw it only 300,000 people had seen it, now the figure is approaching 1.4 million. Proving to me that this hipster phenomenon, is a lot bigger than the hipsters (shaddap calling them that) themselves realise.