UnknownLFW AW11: DONE! THANKS MERCEDES!http://artyfartyfashionparty.blogspot.com/2011/02/lfw-aw11-done-thanks-mercedes.htmlWednesday, February 23, 2011Posted by Fashion Junior at Large So, that's over with for another season. Over the past five days, the Fashion Editor at Large and I ha...5
So, that's over with for another season. Over the past five days, the Fashion Editor at Large and I have been to 40 different shows and presentations scattered all over London town, whilst also finding time to blog, network, and in the case of the Fash Ed, carry out a live Q&A session in Topshop with the brilliant David Koma.
None of this would have been possible (or at least, it would have been a darn sight more difficult!) if it wasn't for the wonderful people at Mercedes-Benz, who supplied our transport for the week, along with our lovely driver Nick (he rules!)
He got us to every show, and didn't offer a word of complaint as highly strung fashion girls piled in and out of the backseat, which steadily filled up with press releases, goody bags and hastily-eaten lunches!
Having this magical form of transportation allowed us to do so much more...
Here's the Fash Ed doing her thing:
Tweeting all the latest news on the move:
And even being interviewed in the back of our car:
So that's another fashion week officially in the bag: Mercedes, we couldn't have done it without you!