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Unknown Moscow - day 1 Wednesday, January 2, 2013 Early this morning we went to the airport and took a flight to Moscow. It's been 12 long years since I've been in Moscow and I was e... 5

Moscow - day 1

Early this morning we went to the airport and took a flight to
Moscow. It's been 12 long years since I've been in Moscow and
I was even born here, so this waiting was at times too painful and
I can not even try to explain how HAPPY I am to be here right now.
It feels surreal! My mom is here too, who is russian herself, so it's
much easier to get around because this is such a big city and there're
way too many places on my "check it out" list.
For now, we've been just briefly to two luxurious shopping malls
GUM and Tsum. Gorgeous and historical buildings are right next
to Bolshoi theater and Red square.
Today was a crazy rush hour at both malls, so we didn't get to shop
much, but we did eat lunch at Bosco bar in GUM and food was delicious.
One thing that caught me by surprise was that all the designer pieces here
are almost double more expensive than lets say back at home in Helsinki
and that's just ridiculous! I'll stick to children's toys, cosmetics, souvenirs
and similar stuff.

Here's a day in Instagram photos for you my readers and tomorrow we're
off to explore the city a little bit better and I'm very much looking forward
to Matryoshka museum and traditional russian restaurant Godunov.

driving to the airport early in the morning

driving in taxi through moscow downtown

our beautiful hotel room

GUM shopping mall

Bosco bar @ GUM

some more GUM

on the Red square

some goodies which I can't get in Helsinki

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