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Touch of light


Why I love photography, on both sides of the lens? Because of its ability to stop the time and make a particular moment eternal. I love photography for its immortality. And for the memory, which we, mortals, sometimes lack. I adore photographs, thanks to which I can feel the aroma, present in the air when they were being done. I like common photos of common people and common places, where sunbeams refract magically...

Za co kocham fotografię, po każdej stronie obiektywu? Za możliwość zatrzymania czasu i podarowania wieczności danej chwili. Kocham fotografię za jej nieśmiertelność. Za pamięć, której nam śmiertelnikom z czasem brakuje. Uwielbiam fotografie, dzięki którym czuję zapach jaki unosił się wtedy w powietrzu. Lubię zwykłe zdjęcia, normalnych ludzi, banalnych miejsc, na których w magiczny sposób załamują się promienie słońca....







Touch of light -

Vest: Art Fashion 
Short: Esprit
Jacket: Promod
Bag : Reserved

Outfit post - Solemn hour

Happy Thursday! :)
I had quite a though and emotionally exhausting day, but
I don't want to let it get to me and put me down to depressive
mood. I'm keeping my head up high and thinking positive of
all of the beautiful things that are yet to come/ happen to me.
Positive vibes is the way to go!

I've just finished a Skype meeting regarding my upcoming
photo exhibition and I'm very excited about it. I still have many
photo shoots to work on before the exhibition, but I can't wait to
see all of the ready photos hanging on the gallery's walls :)

Sorry for the bad lightning and not such an exciting location of
today's outfit photos.
We've just moved homes and I've been swamped with so much unpacking,
cleaning, working and tons of daily errands that I didn't find better
location and there're plenty of them in this city.
Can't wait to start shooting outfit photos somewhere downtown.

Have a good evening everybody and take care!

I'm wearing: Boots - Frye, Jeans - Diesel, Blouse - Samuji, Bag - Givenchy,
Sweatshirt - Kenzo, Bracelet - Balenciaga






Crazy about the hat, yes


 It seems that lately I've been into these dark blue, light blue, nude and beige shades, colors I unconsciously wear; it just feels right at this moment. Maybe the next day I will be in a crazy fuchsia phase, who knows? And I can't seem to let go of that hat. I just love it! This proves that it goes with so many different outfits, so yes, a must have item in any wardrobe, for sure!
 I have to finish packing, my little vacation is over and in a few hours I have to be on a very lazy train - delightful.

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Wearing: no name vest, Takko jacket, Oasap necklace, New Yorker jeans, boots, thrifted hat, vintage bag.


Outfit post - Chasing cars

Good Tuesday morning beautiful people!
I'm in a big hurry today because I have the photo shoot in
a few hours and I still have to get two props and put up the
set + bring to and get my daughter from the kindergarten.
I love multitasking, but at times it can get very stressful, so it
will be great to take a mini break until the next photo shoot in
about 10 days.

How was your weekend? Did Monday treat you well too?
I went for a coffee with friend on Sunday, baked perfect
shrimp enchiladas for the dinner and yesterday was all about
rushing and taking care of my errands.

I still haven't found much furniture for our new apartment.
It's pretty annoying that for some furniture which I liked, we
would need to wait up to two months to get them?!
Really? Luckily, I have a few more furniture stores to check out,
they might have better "news" for me.

Have a nice day everyone!

I'm wearing: Boots - Steve Madden, Jeans - Acne, Top - COS,
Necklace & ring - House of Harlow 1960, Coat - Zara, Bag - Balenciaga






While away..


 I missed a bit, from the blogosphere and from world pretty much. I've been strugling with my diploma, my job and fooling myself, thinking I have all the time in the world to think about my future. The thing is, the future is getting closer if you know what I mean and in between parties, many glasses of wine and gazing at new shoes online, I have to decide some major stuff in my life, issues I have no idea when they will be finished. 
So blogging has become slow, I rarely have free time and photographers available and it's becoming almost painful to schedule a day for shootings, not to mention post-editing. I need to make more time or hire a person to take my photos whenever I wish, but I am sure that will not happen.
 In the meantime, I took a short vacation from my life in Cluj and came home to reflect maybe and go thrifting, of course.
 And I already miss my cat.

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Wearing: skirt and shoes, Bershka sweater, New Look shirt, C&A earrings, vintage bag.



Harlequin photo shoot

Hello dear readers and good Sunday!
I just wanted to drop a quick post in here to show you the photos
of my latest photo shoot.
It was so much fun to do it, because all of the people on the set,
including the model were either friends or my family and the photos
were shot in the building to where we have moved in 3 weeks ago, so it doesn't
get better than that :)

I hope that you like the photos. Let me know what you think of them.

To check more of my work, check ->






Shade of reality


The alternative shade of reality. When the tree leaves become purple and pink, and the colour of sepia infiltrates the world... The kind of sepia from old Daguarre's photographs, forgotten by the people, who are all deceived by glaring technicolours now. Sepia is redolent of old books with yellowed pages, full of mysteries, which are inaccessible for common mortals. We are too harried to stop for a while and smell a page or two from a book published years ago...

Inny odcień rzeczywistości. Gdy liście drzew stają się fioletowo-różowe, a świat przenika barwa sepii. Tej ze starych zdjęć Daguerre'a. Dziś zapomnianych prze świat pulsujący w technikolorach. Sepia pachnie zżółkłymi kartkami książek wydanych wiele lat temu. Kryjących tajemnice, niedostępne dla zwykłych śmiertelników, zbyt bardzo zabieganych, aby zatrzymać się na chwilę i powąchać, stronę lub dwie ze starej książki.....








Stylizacja: Shade of reality

Jacket: Mango
Jeans: Wrangler
Blouse: Reserved
Clutche : TOPSHOP

Outfit post - Red

Good day beautiful people!
How are you doing? I've been having crazy busy days, but
I ain't complaining because the weekend is near and I'll just
rest, eat some good food and spend time in a good company.
I also have to find all of the props for the upcoming photo shoot
which will happen on Tuesday, but I still have time until then and
I enjoy shopping for props for the set.

What are your plans for the weekend?
I've been yesterday at a lovely Luxbag store opening party. This store
sells some fantastic clothes, shoes, bags and accessories from brands
such as Givenchy, Balenciaga, Celine, etc. and it was great to come
and show them support and wish them a good luck with the new store :)
Check them out if you're visiting Helsinki and want to treat yourself with
something nice.

Take care everyone and please let me know if you think that I should open
a FaceBook page for my blog? We're getting closer to the 3rd year of this
blog and I thought that this could be one of the things/ steps forward!

I'm wearing: Boots - Frye, Jeans - Acne, Blouse & necklace - Zara,
Blazer - Rachel Zoe, Bag&scarf - Zara, Coat - Charlie Design







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