UnknownAlizée - Parishttp://artyfartyfashionparty.blogspot.com/2009/05/alizee-paris.htmlThursday, May 28, 2009Alizée I study Cinema I drive a MBK ClubJazz Mobylette (1995). My cardigan is from my Co-Lodger. Jeans by EDWIN. Sneakers by ADIDAS from NYC...5
I drive a MBK ClubJazz Mobylette (1995). My cardigan is from my Co-Lodger. Jeans by EDWIN. Sneakers by ADIDAS from NYC. I found this old T-Shirt in my cupboard this morning. Scarf & Bag by Bérangère Claire. Cap by Jean-Charles de CASTELBAJAC (He gave it to me !) Perfume: CK1 For me Fashion is aesthetic. My look is the cheapest. I love the poster with JP Koffe for Leader Price advertising. I don't like rain. My message to the world: Turn off your TV. Turn on your mind !