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I wanna ( part two) ...
Monday, December 12, 2011
CLICK TO SEE MORE start my day with these delicious things ....
make my office to look like this one ...
stop seeing gorgeous Celine bag everywhere, feel like its hunting me...
have a yummy, crispy, chocolate snack ....
wear sequins with big chunky scarves ....
find some new decorations ....
have a pause break - bike ride with my girls ...
eat perfect ice cream during the winter ...
wear my hats without the feeling, when you exactly know that someone stares at you ....
put my reindeer on the table ...
show my rebel side with studs and spikes ...
find something similar under my Christmas tree ...
make eatable snowflakes ...
change my
summer terrace with this one ...
end my day in front of the fireplace with cozy cushions and warm blankets ...
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