UnknownWonder Fashion presents Wonder Land Accessories!http://artyfartyfashionparty.blogspot.com/2011/12/wonder-fashion-presents-wonder-land.htmlSaturday, December 17, 2011Here is a little treat for you guys, brilliant rings and watches from Wonder Land , a Romanian online shop, who offers you more than a story...5
Here is a little treat for you guys, brilliant rings and watches from Wonder Land, a Romanian online shop, who offers you more than a story, it offers you a fantasy, a fairytale! The rings are grouped in different categories for every woman , at any age and seriously their colors and forms are irresistible! The rings do not contain nickel and they are either gold or silver-plated and the Swarowski crystals will make you feel extremely luxurious!
Am pregatit o mica "delicatesa" pentru voi, inele briliante si ceaasuri de mana de la Wonder Land, un magazin online din Romania, care va ofera nu numai o poveste, ci o fantezie, un basm! Inelele sunt grupate pe diferite categorii pentru orice femeie si orice varsta, iar culorile si formele sunt absolut irezistibile! Inelele nu contin nichel, sunt placate cu aur si argint, iar cristalele Swarowski te vor face sa te simti extrem de luxoasa!
Let's not forget about their jovial watches, brilliantly made from 3-D miniatures and manually painted, and you can choose from lots of categories, but more about that on theirsite! Sa nu uitam de ceasurile lor ludice, ce contin miniaturi 3D pictate manual; puteti alege din o multitudine de categorii, dar mai multe despre asta, pe site-ul loraici
Also, the brand is hosting a GIVEAWAY, you can win one of these fabulous watches, in order to enter you have to click HERE and leave your details there. Unfortunately it is open only for Romanian readers. You have time until the 19th of December!
De asemeni, brandul organizeaza si un GIVEAWAY, poti castiga unul din aceste fabuloase ceasuri; pentru a participa trebuie sa dati click AICI si sa va inscrieti acolo. Concursul este valabil doar pentru cititorii din Romania, si aveti timp pana pe 19 Decembrie! Mult succes!