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Unknown Day Six // All About the Accessories Monday, May 6, 2013 Let's just talk about my new, amazing  blog design! I needed a change, and it was perfect timing since I just recently changed the name ... 5

Day Six // All About the Accessories

Let's just talk about my new, amazing blog design! I needed a change, and it was perfect timing since I just recently changed the name of my blog to Fashion Flirtation. The talented Rylee Blake designed my blog for me, and I am so obsessed with it! If any of you are looking for a new blog design, she's your girl! Feel free to explore all of the new additions to the blog, and check out Rylee's personal blog too if you have a chance! [Please note: the Currently Craving tab on my side bar is still under construction.]

**ALSO: One of my outfits was featured on Plane Pretty's Sunday Style link up and I am so excited about it! Check out the other looks, and share your Sunday Style with other readers as well! :] **

Okay ladies, so today I want to talk about accessorizing! I am absolutely obsessed with accessories, and I think accessories are more important than the outfit itself. With this outfit I wanted to show you that accessories can make or break an outfit. In this case, I wore all white, but what really made the look was the pop of color in the shoes, bag, and earrings. It's important to remember that all of your accessories should have a similar theme or color. [I chose pink in this outfit, but you could also wear accessories in different neon colors and it would look great!] 

Anyway, there are so many pieces of this outfit that I am completely in love with! I just got these amazing shoes, and they have been on repeat. I have seriously worn them 3 of the 5 days I've had them. And these earrings-- how great are they? I won them in a giveaway from Ivory Lane, and I am so excited about them! [So excited that I actually won a giveaway!] And of course, you all know how much I love these HelloFab sunglasses...

Top, Bag, Belt: Forever 21; Pants: Charlotte Russe [similar]; Shoes: Shoe Dazzle; Sunnies: HelloFab; Earrings: Loren Hope via Lilac Bijoux

Today is day 6 of the challenge is: How would you answer the question "what do you do" if you couldn't answer with your job?

On an average day, I spend an unreasonable amount of time getting ready in the mornings [or any time I'm going somewhere], I drive as much as I can [I seriously love driving--it helps me think.] I snack more than I eat real meals [My niece and I literally ate an entire bag of Pirate's Booty the other day], and I blog as much as I can. I love writing and I love planning my fashion posts! I am a model on most days, and my photographer is the cutest! I am a wife [who makes H's lunches every morning], I am an assistant [to my brothers, who I swear make me run errands for them at least once a day], and I am a closet dancer [who performs for other drivers on the road and at stoplights!] And that is what I do on a daily basis!

I hope you all had an amazing weekend!!

[Today I am linking up to #YOLOMONDAY, Anything and Everything Tuesday Blog Hop, aaaaand Hunters of Happiness, Plane Pretty, Here's to You, Mrs. Robinson]


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