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Unknown Day Two // Makeup Must Haves Thursday, May 2, 2013 One of my blogger friends introduced me to the Blog Every Day in May challenge, and I am going to try it! The topics are all pretty interes... 5

Day Two // Makeup Must Haves

One of my blogger friends introduced me to the Blog Every Day in May challenge, and I am going to try it! The topics are all pretty interesting, and I haven't done much writing on here in a while, so it might be good for me. [Since I forgot to start yesterday, I'm cheating a little bit and going back to add it into yesterday's post. Check it out HERE.]

Today's topic is: Educate us on something you know a lot about or are good at.

Well, you see-- something that I'm quite fond of [that my husband isn't] is spending money. For real. I have this insane ability to spend money anywhere and on anything. I;m so good at it, that I can't help myself. I just feel this need to shop. [Maybe I should go to therapy?] But it's not just spending money on clothes. It could be shoes, groceries, craft supplies, pens, plants, fabric, accessories, paint, etc. I could seriously go into Staples and spend hundreds of dollars. [Not that I have. But I could.] So now let me just go ahead and educate you all on how to spend money:

First, you go into a store [any store--Forever 21 to Home Depot]  and just start putting things into your cart. It doesn't matter if you need it. Just buy it. That's my philosophy, anyway. Oh, 50 pounds of PVC pipe? You could definitely use that for something. Buy it. Those 15 necklaces that you probably will never wear? Put it in the cart. All organic flax and granola? Yup. It doesn't matter what it is. You just buy it. Really guys, it's not that hard to spend money!

Okay so obviously I'm exaggerating a lot. I'm not that bad. I do like spending money, but I'm pretty good at only buying what we need. [Or what my closet needs. ;] I do wonder though, if anyone else has a similar problem? A craving for buying things? Please tell me I'm not the only one!! 

And on a separate note-- I thought I'd add on my Makeup Must Haves. Quite a few people have asked me about my makeup routine, so I thought I would post the items that I use every day. [I switch back and forth between foundations, but I love them all.] I highly recommend all of these products, and if you'd like a tutorial or a review of any of these products, just comment and let me know!!

1 // 2 // 3 // 4 // 5 // 6 // 7 // 8

What are some of your makeup must haves? I know that most of these products are a little more expensive, but I haven't found any drugstore product that I love enough to repurchase [with the exception of the L'Oreal True Match Foundation.] I would love to hear if you have found a cheaper drugstore product that you love! [And I'm sure H would love it too! ;]

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