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Unknown Photos: Nigerian man arrested after jumping White House fence Wednesday, October 22, 2014 A Nigerian man based in Maryland, Dominic Adesanya, (pictured above) has been arrested after jumping the White House Fence. According to pol... 5

Photos: Nigerian man arrested after jumping White House fence

A Nigerian man based in Maryland, Dominic Adesanya, (pictured above) has been arrested after jumping the White House Fence. According to police reports, around 7.15pm yesterday Wednesday October 22nd, Adesanya, 23, climbed the fence on the North Lawn of the building and got about 20 yards past the fence before he was taken down by Secret Service and dogs.

He's currently in police custody but is being treated in a hospital for injuries he sustained during the encounter. He was attacked by K.9 dogs. Continue to see photos from the incident...

The White House was on a lock-down for about two hours after Adesanya jumped the fence. President Obama was said to be in the White House at the time of the incident. Police also said Adesanya was not armed...but he's still in big trouble.

According to his Facebook profile, he attended Stevenson University for business administration and management and Hartford Community College for an associate of science, along with partially business administration and management.

His father spoke with ABC 2 and said Adesanya had been arrested at the White House before and that the family had tried to get him help. 

His jump comes weeks after a similar incident happened, prompting the resignation of the director of Secret Service, Julia Pierson on October 1st. In September, a 42 year old man named Omar Gonzalez also jumped the fence and got in the East room before he was arrested. Guess there will be more copycats. The Secret Service need to pay more attention.

Below are photos from the incident. Some of the dogs also had to be treated after Adesanya kicked them..
 Photo credit: Fox News
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