UnknownMy Wednesday Morningshttp://artyfartyfashionparty.blogspot.com/2013/06/my-wednesday-mornings.htmlWednesday, June 12, 2013 I usually go to University on Wednesday morning for our session with our professor where we discuss the progress of our individual projec...5
I usually go to University on Wednesday morning for our session with our professor where we discuss the progress of our individual projects, this takes about two to three hours, depending on the amount of work we do; afterwards we girls hang out for a coffee of all sorts in different cafes and pubs, because there are so many here in Cluj! This time we went at Jaxx, a place I have been wanting to go for a long time, I was always intrigued by that motorcycle that easily hangs on the wall and the interior design who speaks plainly "rock'n'roll". Now, I usually listen to that sort of music and I could say I was in my element but not necessarily dressed like this, haha.
This is something very casual I decided to wear, given the cloudy morning and I always carry that bag when I have my laptop with me, since it is the only one big enough in which it fits.
Now I am off to work..a true pleasure indeed. At least my coffee there was exquisite, it had blueberry jam, so it's a taste I can remember; yes, you can find all sorts of delicious drinks there, definitely need to go there more often.
Wearing: Bershka pants, Stradivarius blazer, Koton top, random brand shoes and earrings, Banana Taipei bag