UnknownFashion and Beauty Findshttp://artyfartyfashionparty.blogspot.com/2013/06/fashion-and-beauty-finds.htmlThursday, June 20, 2013Okay--today I have a guest post for you from one of my favorite bloggers: Amy from Fashion and Beauty Finds ! I'm actually one of her s...5
Okay--today I have a guest post for you from one of my favorite bloggers: Amy from Fashion and Beauty Finds! I'm actually one of her sponsors, and her blog is one that I definitely read every day. She has the greatest style--and her confidence and passion shines through in every single one of her posts. I asked Amy to share some of her favorite outfits with my readers so that you could all get to know her a little bit better. I'm really excited to share her with you today!
Hello Fashion Flirtation readers! I stumbled upon Victoria's blog a few weeks ago and I'm so glad I did! She is so cute and has such a fun style that I adore. And I want to raid her shoe closet. Moving on. My name is Amy and I blog over at Fashion and Beauty Finds. I started blogging a few years ago after my son was born as a hobby. I needed something fun to do between changing diapers and feeding my baby. My blog has been such a great escape for me and has become something that I am proud of. Here are a few outfit posts to get an idea of my style:
Thanks so much for letting me bombard you with pictures! I hope to see you around Fashion and Beauty Finds.
I love introducing you to some of my favorite blogs. There's nothing better than finding a new fabulous blog, am I right??
Anyway, Thursdays are always exciting to me, because I know that tomorrow is Friday. And Fridays are the best. I hope you all have a great day! I'm off to Summer Movie Days with my sisters and all of my nieces and nephews!